What does "Editorial Use Only" mean?

Written by Peter
  • Updated

While browsing through our library, you may have come across assets that come with this disclaimer:

"Editorial use only. Not for commercial use."

You can see this underneath item details if an asset is marked for Editorial use only.

What does this mean?

"Editorial Use" is a term that broadly refers to all non-commercial (not advertising, movies, or other paid media) informative or instructional uses of videos and photos. Generally, when something is marked as "editorial use only" on our site, there is a factor that limits its commercial copyright use.

This can include footage that features established brands:


Footage that includes famous landmarks or locations without a release:


Or footage of people that may not have model releases:


All of these are clearly labelled on the asset page with "Editorial use only. Not for commercial use."

How can I use editorial only footage?

You can use editorial only footage in news casts, public service announcements, and other non-commercial informative productions.

How can't I use editorial only footage?
You can not use editorial footage for a commercial purpose. This includes movies, television shows, vlogs that are monetized, or any other production where the purpose is solely revenue-generating or for entertainment.

We hope this helps clear things up, but let us know if you have more questions, we'd be happy to answer them!