How To Install Adobe Premiere Rush Templates

Written by Peter
  • Updated

If you are here looking for help on how to install Adobe Rush Templates on your desktop, and how to sync them to your device - you're in the right place! Please see the below steps to learn how to install Adobe Rush templates.


1. Select the Graphics symbol on the right hand panel

2. Select the More Options breadcrumbs, then Install template


3. Browse your computer for the Adobe Rush .mogrt template you downloaded (make sure it's unzipped first)

4. Select Open


5. Select Add Graphic


6. Select Browse All from the Add Graphic window on the left hand side of your screen 7. Select Saved. This will display all saved Adobe Rush templates on your computer.


Voila! Your template is available for you to drag and drop into the timeline:

If you would like to access your template on other devices, you will need to first sync your project. To do this, follow steps 8 to 10 below:

8. Select the Home symbol from the upper left hand corner of the screen


9. Select the breadcrumbs underneath your project 10. Select Turn Sync On

11. Wait a moment for your project to sync to the cloud (you'll see a clock symbol)


And that's it! Your project is now synced to the cloud! You can now access installed templates and your project on other devices.


If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to contact our friendly support team from the chat bubble on our site, or from here. Thank you for choosing Motion Array!